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  • Stella Pallone

What is Fast Fashion?

Updated: Mar 31, 2021

"Fast Fashion," a term popularized by social media, refers to clothing that is rapidly produced that appeals to masses latest trends for an inexpensive cost. And yes, it may sound appealing at first without knowledge of background and truth behind the growing industry. Fast Fashion leads to overconsumption, exploitation, disgusting labor conditions, damaging pollution and economic suffering. Fabrics of the clothing produced by Fast Fashion companies are notorious for emitting greenhouse gases into the atmosphere. Influencers often promote these companies to their followers which forces the aspect of overconsumption and feeds the appeal of the harmful garments. Many large scale companies secretly partake in Fast Fashion production style such as Nike, Adidas and Champion. Fast Fashion companies not only consist of the most well-known brands such as Shein and Forever 21, but can also be found in the closets of many unknowing consumers. Production for clothing takes place in countries such as Vietnam, China and Bangladesh due to their low wages and inhumane labor conditions. These sweatshops contain hundreds of workers at a time stacked on top of each other, working for over seventy two hours straight. Not to mention, the people work all of these long and intensive hours for only a low pay of sixty to seventy dollars a day, while also simultaneously taking part in child labor. Not only are these sweatshops unsafe, but also due to poor ventilation and air quality within the walls, can cause permanent sickness in children and adults. My question for you is, will you think twice before condoning child labor, pollution, inhuman working conditions, overconsumption and exploitation by purchasing Fast Fashion?

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